Top email marketing tips for more engagement

Top email marketing tips for more engagement

Email marketing is still a very viable form of advertising. It can generate traffic and increase customer engagement, but only when people open and read those emails. Therein lies the problem because most of us are inundated with dozens of emails a day that we don’t even bother to open. As a leading digital marketing company providing email marketing management services, we understand the challenges this type of advertising faces. Today we wanted to share some of our favorite email marketing tips for increased engagement.

After all, if people don’t bother opening the door after you ring the bell, how will they ever know what great things you have to offer?

Email marketing tips for more engagement

Use a great subject line – Subject lines should be the main focus of any email when it comes to marketing. They really need to stand out from the crowd if you expect people to not only see them in a crowded email box, but to open them. Creativity and enthusiasm are a must, along with at least one highlight or important point of your email. For example, if you send a promotional email with a great coupon, that coupon should be listed in the subject line. Try writing half a dozen subject lines for each email marketing campaign, then test them with a focus group or colleagues.

Follow Critical Rules for Subject Rules – We covered the subject of subject rules earlier this year. You can read the full blog article here. It’s worth reading as we cover the correct words to use in a subject line, words to avoid, character limit, use of title case and how emojis can benefit a subject line.

Becoming Personal – Personalization has been shown to affect all aspects of marketing because it builds relationships and makes customers feel valued. If possible, include the customer’s name in the email and the subject line. For example: “Brian – you don’t want to miss this limited time offer for our best tech gadgets!

Take advantage of limited time offers – How often do you open an offer that says “limited time” in the subject line? The concept of FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a very useful technique in marketing. But it should be used sparingly. People don’t want to miss an experience they regret later. Temporary offers take advantage of that concept because there is a need to understand what the offer is and when it expires almost before deciding whether the offer is useful. If you use the technique too much, consumers will ignore and ignore these emails.

Experiment with video thumbnails – Video playback in email is prevented by most email providers, but that shouldn’t stop you from including video thumbnails in your emails. People consume video content faster and easier than any other type. Hence, it makes sense to include that in your emails as an option. To do this, add a linkable image with a “play” button that links to your website where the actual video will be. The video can simply summarize or expand the story of the email offers.

Automatically add welcome emails – Welcome emails are a proven method to increase engagement. They should be sent automatically as part of the sign-up or sign-up process. Personalization must be used in conjunction with a strong call to action. Including some kind of welcome promotion or discount can also lead to engagement. This email should be vigorously tested prior to implementation because you only get one chance for that first impression.

Offer Value – Customers appreciate getting value, and that doesn’t always come from sales-related correspondence. A good marketing technique is to regularly send emails to customers who somehow provide value. For example, if you are an auto parts chain, you need to mix articles on how to change your oil at home or other DYI repairs anyone can do. Providing information and resources demonstrates your expertise in one area and shows that your brand is more than just pushing products. This can increase open rates because customers know you’re providing more than just ad emails.

The bottom line is that email marketing is a staple of a well-rounded marketing plan. Our best email marketing tips for more engagement are proven techniques that deliver higher open rates and drive more conversions.

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