short code number and the gateway code

What is short codes?

Special short code is a multi-digit number that can send and receive SMS-messages to mobile phones. Short codes are two varieties: the vanity and accidentally. Short vanity specific number code that you choose when you hire your short code. Short random code is assigned to you when you’re shooting, and can not be changed or replaced. Often, the codes assigned by a random-access series labels. the total number of cards distributed among clients and using keywords for traffic identification refers to the user’s intent.

What is the difference between the access code and time code?

Short codes allow an application to send SMS messages to 30 messages per second. On the other hand, the long code to send a second message. Thus, the access codes are ideal for applications that need to send an SMS to a large number of users or need to send a lot of time-sensitive messages. Moreover, depending on the type of application for construction and messages are transmitted, only one short code type number, which can support the use case. Examples of programs that are the best in the short code: marketing communications, high-volume messaging, messages back to users and SMS marketing messages.

Where short codes come?

There is no central registry, which was created by mobile phone companies in the United States to manage the codes. Call the fire rent short registration code name.

These codes work?

SMS-gateway and Clickatell fire call and must send special agreements with mobile communication operators in the world’s largest SMS-traffic two-way. This SMS-providers, also known as compilers, to send and receive SMS-traffic from the mobile network gateway SMS-centers “or SMSC message is responsible for transmitting the messages to the designated cell phone. SMSC aggregators and then get information about delivery status messages. This relationship between the aggregator and SMSC allows transmission and reception of a large amount of text messages and the short code.

What is the difference between normal access and a dedicated short code?

Dedicated your card number and you’re alone. Common short codes are used by many companies with different traffic key words.

As this short code messages?

Depending on the use of the SMS Gateway – US Traffic United States of America, incoming and outgoing, serial number or short code – SMS average cost is $ 0.01 to $ 0.05 per message.

What is SMS-center (SMSC)?

Center for Short Message Service (SMSC) is responsible for managing the text relay major telecom operators Verizon and T-Mobile. When a text message is sent from a mobile phone, the first SMSC is reached. SMSC forwards SMS to destination. The main objective of the SMSC for SMS routing and control the process. If the recipient is available (for example, when the phone is switched off) saves SMS SMSC. notification is sent to SMS, the recipient available.Most major vendors have their own SMSC. You must know the address of SMSC provider radio uses SMS to your mobile phone. Usually, address SMSC normal phone number in international format. The mobile phone may be a menu, which can be used to adjust the SMSC address. SMSC address is normally set to the SIM-card wireless network operator, which means that you do not have to make any changes.

What is the delivery report?

Upon receiving the SMS, the target mobile phone returns the delivery report message to inform the SMSC for errors or omissions. (Example Cause: Text format is incompatible, not enough space, etc.). This method is transparent to the mobile user. If there are no errors or failures, mobile phone receiver, a delivery report of a positive SMSC. Otherwise, please send a report back to the issuer SMSC.If negative delivery report of the above situation, SMSC status report to the sender when you receive a delivery report SMSC can recipient.If message delivery report after a while, you come to the conclusion that the delivery report messages are lost. SMSC transmits the SMS message to the recipient.

What is the SMS aggregator?

SMS-gateway providers often called aggregators. The drives have a number of agreements with major mobile network providers like Verizon and T-Mobile, send and receive text messages through the SMSC network.

What is a shortcut to a mobile phone?

The doors allow direct connection to send text messages to mobile and / or received via e-mail, web page or other application software to buy (SIM) in the subscriber identification module. Direct connection to the cell door is the same as SMS aggregators are installed on the home networking and wireless LAN. Mobile network connection, buying a SIM-card phone operator and to establish it on the door. Direct the mobile device to the gateway commonly used in texts in a few months at low hundreds or thousands of low and can not be used as a corporate solutions.

As consumers adjust traffic a short code on your cell phone?

If the recipient is responsible to help stop or code, stop the gateway service provider sends an SMS-message.

SMS What are the limitations of production?

Access codes can send up to 40 messages per second (2400 ppm). It features long feed code SMS per second.

What is the solution providers SMS- Marketing?

Providers SMS- gateway solution providers often called SMS- Marketing. This applies to the transmission of the minutes of the SMS marketing and receive SMS messages from a mobile phone on the major airlines SMSC. SMS- gateway providers or providers of SMS marketing solutions have special agreements with the main mobile network to send and receive messages using the mobile network protocols, SMS marketing solutions.

What is the protocol of SMS Marketing solutions?

Protocol solutions SMS- marketing refers to the sending and receiving of text in large companies are moving to mobile destinations. vendor or protocol aggregator SMS- gateway access to the SMS marketing solutions, so that all traffic should lead to major mobile phone networks.

Premium SMS short codes dedicated

SMS to premium customers, who intend to offer a wide range of mobile communication services; Do you want a unique, personal and easy to remember numbers; It expects the highest monthly volume of messages, or you want a more sophisticated services in two ways – dedicated short code.

The merits of a dedicated short code

We will help you create your own short code and a special payment account Premium SMS with mobile operators and rapid deployments.

If the access code is set, short xxxxx was given the code and return the tax return is obtained. Messages sent to xxxxx sent to you and any MO or MT card number charged messages (depending on the country) under the patient during delivery of successful phone that the user sends. With the possibility of a special short code, you can also select the required code number (vanity).

Common Short Code SMS Premium

For customers who receive low-cost solution for a single product that offers immediately activated the SMS-codes and the wait was at excessive volume of messages, a small perfect code share. These short codes are a series of short codes, together with other
clients and use the keywords that send messages to the app and download via premium SMS (PSMS).

Efficacy general SMS short code

If you are looking for a low cost, to share the access code is the most profitable way. However, it should be noted that because the division is always a risk that the short code may be interrupted, if mobile users violate rules of using the network. We tried to solve this problem by carrying out pre-due diligence for all customers, but we know very little about the risk of losing service. If this is a problem, and requires complete reliability, it is recommended to use a special registration code full premium SMS text messages. There is also the possibility that some of the markets or a WAP- billing form of direct billing, including Priority.

With a common code, to make sure that you have chosen to share a short code rate. If you decide to ~ NEWS “as a keyword, all messages sent to the code beginning with ~ NEWS” focuses on the application or service.

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