Top 5 Ways to Improve Facebook Campaigns in 2020

Top 5 Ways to Improve Facebook Campaigns in 2020

It was a very competitive year for digital marketing in 2020. Money and ideas driven by technology supplanted the internet. That’s why it’s crucial to treat every month as if it were your year if you want to beat the competition. Today we wanted to share the Top 5 ways to improve Facebook campaigns in 2020 to start the year off right. As a top digital marketing company, we’ve determined that this is the fastest way to become more effective.

5 Ways to Improve Facebook Campaigns in 2020

Study the big brands – “If you know yourself, but not the enemy, you will also be defeated for every victory achieved. “Sun Tzu”. It is important to know and study the enemy; in this case the big brands. What do they do with their Facebook campaigns? Why are they doing it? How about the advertising works and resonates with you as a customer? While you don’t have access to performance metrics, a lot can be gained by watching what larger brands with big budgets do. That way you are able to copy successful trends and also know what you are competing against.

Use engaging stories – Emotional connections are a proven way to build stronger ties with potential customers. Facebook and Instagram are both platforms that are perfect for videos and stories that can captivate and connect. Become real, feel uncomfortable and let the authenticity of your brand, its customers and be employees shine. Customers who share their stories and behind-the-scenes stories about employees or owners are both great starting points.

Find the Funny – Humor is one of the best ways to create online engagement. People like to laugh, share things they find funny and even come to watch suggestions from friends for funny videos and the like. That is why including humor in your Facebook campaigns in 2020 is a must to stand out. Humor can be included to ridicule your brand, products or even common misconceptions by various age demographics about products and services. Plus, when you use humor Jumping outside of a normal demographic opens the brand to a new audience. When in doubt, focus on the jokes for the likable punchline. Try relationship-based remarketing – relationship-based remarketing is where a company uses existing relationships with almost everyone (suppliers, stores, product vendors, production, etc.) and then uses these relationships for remarketing. The targeted ads contain the relationship to show brand authority
and increase conversions.

Simplify All Processes – As the Internet has become more complex and busy, many consumers have been put off and craved simplicity. Customize them by taking care of it your campaigns are streamlined and clear. Some of the most successful campaigns of the past year were astonishingly simple. For example the Starbucks Reward campaign was a two-step process totaling 8 words and 2 emojis. 1. Join Starbucks Rewards. 2. Earn stars. 3. Receive free coffee. “That pitch is ridiculously simple and simple, both refreshing and easy, making it hard to refuse. Chipotle did the same with online orders. “To order Chipotle and you get 10 points per $ 1 spent. Every time you get 1250 points you get FREE Chipotle. Keep it simple! Then make the registrations so simple that they do not exist to think about it.

The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that it gets harder every year to create engaging, effective campaigns month after month. These 5 ways to improve Facebook campaigns in 2020 are all great ways to keep your concepts fresh and successful. As always, take the time to test each strategy to find out what works best for your audience large-scale implementation.

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