এই সকল যুক্তিতে আমি এবং আমার মতো অনেকেরাই বিব্রত ! দয়া করে এর সমাধান করুন )

আজ কাল ইন্টারনেট ইসলাম কে নিয়ে অনেক ব্রান্ত কথা উঠচ্ছে, কিন্তু এদের যুক্তি অনেকেই  বিব্রত করছে… যেমন মুক্ত মনা নামে একটি ব্লগ (mukto-mona.com) এখানে মোহাম্মদ ও ইসলাম নামে পর্ব আকারে ব্লগ লেখা হচ্ছে জা খুবিই বিব্রত কর যেমন মোহাম্মদের ইসলাম ধর্মের মূল কথা – আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় তার কোন শরিক নেই। এখন দেখা যাক, মোহাম্মদ আপাত: এ কথা বলে সূক্ষ্মভাবে কি প্রচার করে গেছেন। কোরানে আছে- বলুন, যদি তোমরা আল্লাহকে ভালবাস, তাহলে আমাকে অনুসরণ কর, যাতে আল্লাহ ও তোমাদিগকে ভালবাসেন এবং তোমাদিগকে তোমাদের পাপ মার্জনা করে দেন। আর আল্লাহ…

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The Top 25 Network Marketing Companies by The Staff at Nexera™ LLC

  Company -Time In Business GPR – AR – GT 1. Amway 1959 – 53 Years 6 – 8,579 – 2.18 2. Melaleuca 1985 – 27 Years 5 – 11,195 – 0.44 3. USANA 1992 – 20 Years 6 – 11,273 – 0.44 4. Nu Skin 1984 – 28 Years 6 – 12,218 – 0.20 5. Isagenix 2002 – 10 Years 4 – 13,765 – 0.20 6. Forever Living 1978 – 34 Years 5 – 16,100 – 0.42 7. Herbalife 1980 – 32 Years 5 – 23,888 – 2.24 8.…

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Multi-Level Marketing: Once Legitimate, Now a Scam

Multi-Level Marketing: Once Legitimate, Now a Scam Once upon a time, multi-level marketing was a legitimate business which provided a way for small companies to get their unique products to consumers in small towns and rural areas which had no access to these products. At this time, the products sold themselves, and the multi-level aspect was a way of giving a small reward to those who had worked hard to build the organization. But the focus was always on the product. Today, and especially with the growth of the internet,…

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Right Time to Start Network Marketing (MLM) Full Time

Right Time to Start Network Marketing (MLM) Full Time When is the right time to take Network Marketing full-time job? Mostly people ask this question to their uplines and the obvious answer they get is ” Right Now”. I don’t agree with them, you know why? The success ratio in network marketing is between 3 to 7 percent. Network Marketing is just like any other business in your vicinity. Did you ever notice that out of 7 grocery shops, 3-4 closed after a year. The reason of there closer could…

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The Real World

The Real World Any business must carefully consider supply and demand. For example, if the ReVo Corporation thinks that it will have a full-fledged fad on their ovoid sunglasses next summer, perhaps they should plan to build and distribute, say, 10M units. This involves gearing up factories, setting up distribution and dealer networks, and carefully managing the inventories at each level so that ReVo will still have credibility with their distributors, retail outlets, and the public the following year. If it turns out that there is a “run” on ReVo…

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Bad Image or Bad Reality?

Bad Image or Bad Reality? “Let me tell you about an incredible ground-level business opportunity,” and you are invited to a house or to lunch for “a discussion.” Funny enough, you feel sick in your gut that there is some hidden agenda or deception. “Probably a multi-level marketing (MLM) organization,” you think. Suppose it is? Should you trust your instincts? Is there anything wrong with MLM? This article will analyze four problem areas with MLM. Specifically, it will focus on problems of I) Market Saturation, II) Pyramid Structure, III) Morality…

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What’s Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing?

What’s Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing? Bad Image or Bad Reality? “Let me tell you about an incredible ground-level business opportunity,” and you are invited to a house or to lunch for “a discussion.” Funny enough, you feel sick in your gut that there is some hidden agenda or deception. “Probably a multi-level marketing (MLM) organization,” you think. Suppose it is? Should you trust your instincts? Is there anything wrong with MLM? This article will analyze four problem areas with MLM. Specifically, it will focus on problems of I) Market Saturation,…

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Why do Pyramid Schemes Fail?

Why do Pyramid Schemes Fail? Pyramid schemes are inherently injurious to consumers because as a mathematical certainty, they are doomed to collapse. As in the case of chain letters that require a payment, only the people at the very top make any money. The only way anybody can make money through a pyramid scheme or chain letter is if participants in levels below them are defrauded into giving money based upon a rapidly diminishing promise of eventually getting something in return. Eventually they must break down because the pool of…

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Illegal Pyramid Schemes / Recruitment Scams

What is a Pyramid Scheme? Pyramid schemes, also referred to as “chain referral”, “binary compensation” or “matrix marketing” schemes, are marketing and investment frauds which reward participants for inducing other people to join the program. Ponzi schemes, by contrast, operate strictly by paying earlier investors with money deposited by later investors without the emphasis on recruitment or awareness of participation structure. Pyramid schemes focus on the exchange of money and recruitment. At the heart of each pyramid scheme there is typically a representation that new participants can recoup their original…

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International News

history of The world no. 1 mlm company amway now at mlmnews24. » Amway is one of the world’s largest and oldest multilevel marketing companies (MLM). Founded as “JaRi Corporation” in 1949 and renamed “Amway Corporation” in 1959, the company restructured in 1999 and became a part of the Alticor holding company. The same year, Alticor launched a sister company to Amway, Quixtar with a focus on utilizing the internet. By 2001 the majority of Amway distributors had transferred to Quixtar and Amway North America was merged into Quixtar. In…

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